Current Versions of Course Proposals

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Revision as of 09:17, 10 October 2006 by Shaw (talk | contribs)
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Instructions for writting a course proposal:

  1. start with an existing course. Take the latest revision from the FAS website Second year courses are in 2004, 3rd and 4th in 2005 folder.
  2. if you are making only a small change in the description, title, prerequisites, use the CourseChangeForm Course Change Forminstead.
  3. make a copy of the document and edit it.
  4. upload to this page and make the link to the course. Alternatively, email it to Marek (mhatala at sfu dot ca) who will link it in. Uploads are now enabled. Look in the toolbox on the left for upload command.
  5. comment on other people's proposal by sending comments directly to the person responsible.

What is important when writting proposal:

  1. draw on the content areas in existing SIAT courses. Identify those courses in the "Rationale" section. Also list those courses for deletion.
  2. Prerequisites should be kept to the absolute minimum. In general, 2nd year courses have prerequisites minimum 24 credits, 3rd year 48 credits, and if you really want to put the course into year 4 then 69 credits (this should be an exception, tho).
  3. more to come as people ask questions...

Course table:

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 & 4
white- nothing submited yellow - submitted, please comment green - more/less complete
IAT 100 Systems of Media Representation (Prereq Change) IAT 222 Interactive Arts (Number+Title+Desc+Prereq Change (Ver.2 Uploaded 10Oct06 2:00AM CDS))

IAT 354) aka Graph Viz/Info Viz

IAT 102 Graphic Design (New Proposal (Ver.2 Uploaded 10Oct06 1:50AM CDS) IAT 202 New Media Images (Number+Prereq Change (Ver.2 Uploaded 10Oct06 1:57AM CDS)) IAT 352 Knowledge Media Architectures (Title+Desc+ Prereq Change)
  IAT 201 Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction (Title+Desc+Prereq Change (Ver.2 Uploaded 10Oct06 1:53AM CDS)) IAT 351 Advanced Human-Computer Interaction (Title+Desc+Prereq Change)
  IAT 265 Multimedia Programming for Art and Design (Prereq Change) IAT 452-3 Design Environments (Desc+Prereq Change)
  IAT 267 Introduction to Technological Systems (Proposal (Ver.2 Uploaded 10Oct06 2:10AM CDS)) IAT 455 Computational Media (New Proposal (Updated 8Oct 3:42PM CDS))
  IAT 235 Information Design (New Proposal (Ver.2 Updated 10Oct 2:07AM CDS)) IAT 410-3 Advanced Game Design (Prereq change)
  IAT 233 Spatial Design (New Proposal (Ver.2 Uploaded 10Oct06 2:03AM CDS)) Media
    IAT 343 Moving Images (Number+Prereq Change)

IAT 208 Drawing as Inquiry (Prerequisite Change)

IAT 443 Image, Sound and Motion Design Studio (Prereq Change)
  IAT 209W Critical and Creative Thinking (Prereq Change) IAT 342 Animation (Number+Prereq Change)
  IAT 206 Media Across Cultures (Culture) (No Change) IAT 442 Advanced Animation (Numer+Title+Prereq Change (Diane's Update 8Oct06 11:19PM))
    IAT 320 Body Interface (Interaction) (Prereq, Desc Change] (Ver.1 Uploaded 10Oct06 2:15AM CDS))
    IAT 313 Comparative Narrative (Title+Desc Change(Ver.2 Uploaded 10Oct06 2:13AM CDS))
    IAT-333 Interaction Design Methods (Title+Desc+Prereq Change)
    IAT 33x Interface design (New Proposal (Updated 8Oct 3:59PM CDS)
    Materials in Design (New proposal)
    Representation and Fabrication (New Proposal)
    Interactive Objects and Environmnets (Proposal/Change)
    Speculative Design New Proposal (Uploaded 8Oct 10:15PM CDS)
    General electives
    IAT 332 Design Evaluation (Description and Prerequisite Change)
    IAT 312 Foundations of Games Design (No change)
    IAT 402 Interdisciplinary Design Studio I (Science)(New Proposal)
    IAT 403 Interdisciplinary Design Studio I (Arts)(New Proposal)
    IAT 404 Interdisciplinary Design Studio II (Science)(New Proposal)
    IAT 405 Interdisciplinary Design Studio II (Arts)(New Proposal)