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(First Year OPTIONS)
(First Year OPTIONS)
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•  Speculative design (combines cultural studies with making)
•  Speculative design (combines cultural studies with making)
===First Year OPTIONS ===
=== First Year OPTIONS ===
'''TECH ONE (Current, Subject to Change)'''
'''TECH ONE (Current, Subject to Change)'''

Revision as of 21:31, 19 July 2006

SIAT FACULTY, STAFF AND FRIENDS: for committee responsibilities, please refer to the Community Portal link (see left).

Proposed Calendar

Meeting Notes


What is a curriculum?

Future meetings: July 19, August 2, August 16, August 30 Room 14-400, 1:00-3:00

Auxilliary culture & cognition meeting July 19, noon, room 14-700

Note: "the machine" enables anyone to change the number of classes, in order to see how that change affects the whole plan. It will be here shortly. (Thanks Rob!)


Critial & Creative Thinking (W) IAT 209

How do you know a good idea is a good idea?

Course covers methods of generating ideas, testing ideas and communicating them effectively in visual, textual and oral forms to persuade a target audience.

• Writing (several genresof academic/professional writing) relation between form & context

• Reflective practice: examine their credibility, signs of limited thinking

• Critical reading: relation between active reading and their critical writing

• Analysis: test ideas, evaluate arguments, id faulty reasoning

• Rhetorical practice: use of tone and voice in scientific/technical writing, art criticism, oral discourse

• Critique: measure objectivity/subjectivity of their critical voice

• Case study: compare & contrast usccessful & failed technologies (What is innovation?), id roles of opinion leaders & change agents

• Scenario/role-play: teams research a failed technology, assume role of prof. communicators through research, composition & design aimed at persuading

• Teamwork: midterm & final projects are collaborative, req. peer evaluation & ind. reflection

Everyone takes 1st year foundations: what are they? (see example, above)

• Critical thinking

• Team work

• Understanding both form and content of genres and styles

• Composition of one's own ideas in specific styles and genres

• Writing

• Speaking


Knowing how to design

formal (composition, color, line, composition, form, proximity, hierarchy, contrast...)

Human-centred (perceptual, cognitive and social/communicative abilities, limitations, and preferences)

•• Culture

•• Psycholology

•• Kinesiology

Iterative design process: (Analyze context, design, prototype, test)

•• Evidence-based design: reflection on action

•• formulate questions from practice

•• seek information

•• ground in practice

•• implement in design

•• evaluate in context of use

Design methods

Knowing how to represent designs

• Sketching

• Writing

• Photography [see "Media Skills" below]

• Basic videography for documentation/communication (a bit different in focus than storytelling per se) [see "Media Skills" below]


• Solid modelling

• Parametric modelling

• Animation

• Software models,

Toolkit architectures

Media Skills

  • still and video camera operation
  • use of microphones and audio field recording
  • introduction to post-production photo, sound, and video software
  • production planning and storyboarding
  • composition
  • "seeing" and using light
  • basic manipulation of image
  • sequencing still and moving images
  • processing and editing sound
  • expressive use of sound
  • combining and sequencing sound and image

Knowing the artifact -- the internal view of the artifact.

• Text & Image

• Software tools for Prototyping interfaces

• Prototyping 3D objects (this is a composite skill that needs to be unpacked)

• Interactive animation (depending on the domain, may be a representational concern)

• Interface design

• Electronics

• Mechanics

• Statics

• Materials

• Manufacturing processes

• web design

• exhibition design

• designing for public spaces

• game design

Knowing how to work with others

• Teamwork

• Collaboration

Understanding designs in context -- the external view of the artifact.

• design history

• Ethnography: the user in context of culture, practice, organization

• task analysis

• user testing

• Usability

• semiotics

• user

• cultural and media studies

• Speculative design (combines cultural studies with making)

First Year OPTIONS

TECH ONE (Current, Subject to Change)


- analytical & critical reasoning [Q]

- technology: history & social implications of [B]


- design: theory & practice of [B]

- communication, collaborative & Research [W]

AND Theme

a) digital media (4 courses)


b) info technology (4 courses)



Need a sub-committee to work on this -- what is first year?/what do we want first year to be?

Please see documentation on customizing the interface and the User's Guide for usage and configuration help.